SG8 Sinker EDM

Introducing the Next-Generation SG8 Sinker EDM with Mitsubishi Electrics’s AI Technology (Maisart) and M800 Series Control System to pursue both ultra-low wear and high productivity.

  • Mitsubishi M800 Series Control including an all-new LCD Hand Pendant Control.
  • New IDPM3 (Intelligent Digital Power Master) offers unparalleled jump speed,
    reduced electrode wear (up to 40%), and ease of operation for any experience level.
  • SS Jump 5 optimizes jump up and acceleration control to stabilize High-Speed NO-FLUSH machining (787”/min. 1.6G in Z and 197”/min in the X and Y-axis).
  • High speed positioning and plotting, now at 7M/min. (275”/min.), increases machine efficiency during set-up and dry-run check.
  • ESPER II Navigator now simplifies programming inputs to a short question and answer session prompting the operator through the process.
  • 1GB User Program Storage
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  • "The quality and repeatability of Mitsubishi EDMs is second to none."

    Aaron Wiegel, President of Wiegel learn more
  • "Overall, the machine itself is just reliable. Out of all the other manufacturers I’ve used over the years, working with Mitsubishi EDM has been one of my best experiences."

    Danny Ritchie, head of Wire EDM Department at Dies Plus (a division of OTTO Engineering) learn more
  • "When it comes to applications expertise, it’s a lot more difficult in any industrial OEM to find the breadth and depth that Mitsubishi EDM has."

    Jeffrey Taylor, Crafts Technology President and General Manager learn more

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